"I first saw bluebirds here in Tallahassee 20 years ago and I started looking at how I could build nest boxes for them.
I have probably made 200 boxes since then that I have either given away or just been paid for the materials. I have
boxes in my yard and even though it is quite wooded, I have had bluebirds every year. By varying the dimensions of the
box I have successfully raised chicadees, titmice, brown headed nuthatches, red bellied woodpeckers, great crested flycatchers
and of course bluebirds."
Fred has 5 nest boxes in his yard. "Click on the photo"
and see the habitat area by satellite of Fred's property.
His home is in the center of the photo. 1
- Flycatcher (every year but this year when the Bluebirds beat them to it), 2 - Nuthatch (2 broods), Chicadee, 1 standard
Bluebird (3 broods + in Flycatcher box) and 1 slot style box used by Chicadees. Also had 3 Cardinal nests and a wren.
The nest box on the deck swings around so he can take the box down
and check on it. He mounts his boxes on 3/4" emt and uses 2x4, or 2x6 wood for the bottoms.
Property size 220' x 220'