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I have to say that I am about as a Novice as it gets
in knowing about Bluebirds. I live in South Florida, and never had seen a Bluebird until a few months ago. I decided my area
needed more of this beautiful bird, and my search for information on Bluebirds, and Bluebird boxes, and Bluebird Trails lead
right to The Bluebird Monitor's Guide.
If you search for Bluebird information, you will find
that there are very few books written about Bluebirds. After ordering and receiving the Bluebird Monitor's Guide, I found
I was reading articles which are short informative, fun, and on everything I could think of pertaining to Bluebirds and their
habitat, housing, and food, and people who care about them.
The book is approximately 8" x 10" of high gloss paper,
128 pages, and filled with beautiful photos. The guide is broken down into five sections which tell you about Bluebirds and
how to attract them; how to monitor Bluebirds; Bluebird Trails, and equipment used with Bluebirds. The Bluebird Monitor's
Guide information all comes by ordinary people, who have been working with Bluebirds for years. And is written to be understood
by young and old, and novice or expert.
The Bluebird Monitor's Guide is written for the person
who has only one box or a Bluebird Trail of hundreds of boxes. After only a few months I now actually have six Bluebird Trails
of 30 houses with plans of many more for South Florida and I am helping dozens of people to learn about the Bluebird, from
the wealth of information found in The Bluebird Monitor's Guide.
Whether you can only purchase one Bluebird book or all
the Bluebird books that have ever been written, The Bluebird Monitor's Guide to Bluebirds and Other Small Cavity-Nesters should
be the #1 Bluebird book in your library. by Christy Packard ((Note: This is a book review I have posted on Amazon.com If you click the following link it will take you there. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0062737430/cm_aya_asin.title/103-8594798-3007833?v=glance&s=books As you look over this particular book I hope you
would give me a YES vote, which means, that this review helped you in wanting to read this book, and it lets me know
if you are considering reading up on Bluebirds. Also note they will not send you any e-mails if
you do this.))
The written material is both easy to read and understand.
And will be as interesting, and as educating for the beginner as it will be to the expert. The photos not only are exceptionally
beautiful, but help to visually explain what has been written.
The book is broken down into three sections. The Stokes
write about the three types of Bluebirds. Then how you can attract the Bluebird by improving their habitat. And of course
the best basic materials used with the Bluebirds in mind. Learn also about those birds who compete with the Bluebird, and
also their predators. Then learn of the many areas of a Bluebird's behavior, like the how and the when of their breeding.
If you want an easy to read book with all the
Bluebird basics, plus the beauty of large, clear, up close Bluebird and other photos. This is a book you will want to add
to your library. by Christy Packard ((Note: This is a book review I have posted on Amazon.com If you click the following link it will take you there. As you check out this particular book I hope you
would give me a YES vote, which means, that this review helped you in wanting to read this book, and it lets me know
if you are considering reading up on Bluebirds. Also note they will not send you any e-mails if
you do this.))